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2023-03-31 Fri

VPS as an ssh jumphost

My ISP uses a Carrier-grade NAT for home customers which leaves me with an IP that is shared with many others and thus I can't connect to my network from the outside.

Ssh reverse tunnel can be used to remedy that and restore outside ssh connections to my home comuter.


Here is what you need:

  • ssh server on the home computer listening on <LOCAL_PORT>
  • an ssh enabled VPS listening on <VPS_PORT>
  • an availiable port on the VPS <JUMP_PORT>

Configure the vps in .ssh/config

Host vps
User vps_user

Then start the reverse tunnel from the home computer

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -vNR <JUMP_PORT>:localhost:<LOCAL_PORT> vps

You can redirect the output of the reverse tunnel to a logfile since it has some usefull information.

Finally, to connect to the home computer you can do this:

ssh -AJvps home_user@localhost -p<JUMP_PORT>


The -R handles the reverse tunnel, instructing the VPS to listen on the localhost:<JUMP_PORT> and forward the connections via the reverse tunnel in <LOCAL_PORT> in the home computer.

Thus, to connect you need to:

  • -A forward ssh agent (optional to handle the ssh keys)
  • -J use vps as the jumphost
  • home_user@localhost -p<JUMP_PORT> connect in the localhost (vps) as home_user via the <JUMP_PORT> thus initiating an ssh connection through the reverse tunnel.