grm blog. Work is copyrighted unless otherwise stated.

~grm blog

Backup with zstd and tar

Tuesday, February 11 2025

Some useful tar/zstd commands.

Bridge for VMs

Wednesday, February 5 2025

ip a

VPS as an ssh jumphost

Friday, March 31 2023

My ISP uses a Carrier-grade NAT for home customers which leaves me with an IP that is shared with many others and thus I can't connect to my network from the outside.

Ssh reverse tunnel can be used to remedy that and restore outside ssh connections to my home comuter.

Loose planning

Sunday, March 12 2023

I like the notion of planning ahead and the general gtd mindset but I very much dislike strict deadlines and due dates as well as concrete schedules that span weeks.

I will attempt to implement a gtd workflow that fits my needs. This document is the architectural blueprint of said workflow. Ofcourse it's based on emacs and org-mode.

ffmpeg stuff

Tuesday, January 3 2023

Some useful ffmpeg commands.

Configuring EdgeRouter X

Thursday, December 29 2022

I got an EdgeRouter to start delving into some more advanced home networking stuff and set up dynamic DNS, VPN et.c without having to keep my desktop constantly running.

Emacs config hygiene

Friday, December 2 2022

Tips to keep a stelar, lean and clean, emacs configuration.

Sticky sticky bit

Monday, November 28 2022

$ whoami
$ echo "Hello from user" > file
$ cat file
Hello from user
$ sudo su -
$ whoami
$ echo "Hello from root" > file
-bash: file: Permission denied

Working with gpg

Wednesday, June 1 2022

Notes on working with gpg, creating and editing keys, exporting and importing backups et.c.

Publishing the org-mode agenda

Sunday, February 20 2022

In this here blog post I describe how I managed to get my agenda view straight out of emacs and into a web page so I can access it from everywhere.

It is hackish and flimsy but it's been working for a few months years now, so here goes nothing.

xlnch menus

Thursday, May 13 2021

Here is how I use xlnch to build menus for quick access to everything.

GPU passthrough via libvirt

Saturday, May 1 2021

Notes on gpu passthough to a virtual machine using libvirt.

Make emacs gifs

Sunday, April 18 2021

Emacs developers in their infinite wisdom have provided a way to dump the frame data (i.e. what your GUI emacs shows on screen) into a file in either png, pdf, svg or postscript format. This is achieved though the x-export-frames function.

Building Emacs from source

Thursday, March 18 2021

A reference page for building Emacs from the git source.

To read more, answer the following:
What is the best editor ever?

Configuration management in org-mode

Sunday, February 7 2021

Emacs can be used to configure your local and remote systems. Using org-mode with babel tangle you can export code snippets as files in a specific path. This path is defined in the #+begin_src line and can be any valid C-x c-f path, which includes /ssh:user@host:/path or /sudo:root@localpc:/path.

With this simple yet powerful feature org mode can be used for basic configuration management out of the box!

Multidimentional arrays and l33tspeak

Monday, November 23 2020

Ha\/inG LOGIC 3ncOded In Y0Ur dAt@ DeFINITIoNs CAn b3 a verY useFul tHing @S liSp-Like l4NGUaGES Pr0\/E TIMe and 4GaiN. When UsIng C hOweVer it'S usuaLlY rEcOmmeNDed to STIck T0 Th3 imPer4tIv3 TecHnIQueS aNd @Void 3mbedDiNG daTA wiTH LOgIC.

Blogging with emacs and org-mode

Monday, November 16 2020

This blog is being managed entirely in Emacs. In this post I will explain how it works and try to keep it up to date with any future changes.

To read more, answer the following:
what is the answer to everything?